Zdarzylam sie juz spotkac z rozna postacia nienawisci. Czasami byla to nienawisc z zazdrosci, chec wyzycia sie na kims innym aby poczuc sie lepiej. Kiedys mialam taki etap w zyciu kiedy na kazdy jeden nie mily komentarz odpowiadalam rowniez z czysta nienawiscia i pogarda. Teraz kiedy tak o tym mysle, wiem, iz zrobilam zle. W takiej sytuacji powinnam albo nie odpowiadac na to wcale i wyrzucic to z moich mysli albo odpowiedz ale z serdecznoscia i kultura. Wiele ludzi nie zauwaza, ze kiedy ktos go hejtuje to ta osoba jedynie na co czeka jest wybuch z twojej stony. Wtedy bedzie miec jeszcze wiecej powodow aby ciebie zaczepiac. Jesli natomiast po prostu odpowiem z spokojem i kultura, ta osoba wyjdzie na zwyklego glupca i pokaze, ze nie umie sie zachowac. Wiem, ze nikt nie ma nerwow ze stali i czasami po prostu musimy odpowiedziec tak zeby tamtej osobie az w piety poszlo, ale moze czasami warto nie odpowiadac w nerwach. Tylko ochlonac, a potem odpowiadac. Kiedy osiagnelam jaka taka popularnosc w internecie osiagnelam punkt w ktorym sa osoby ktore mnie wspieraja, ale sa i tez te ktore czekaja na moj upadek.
Musimy tez pamietac, ze osoby ktore gnebia innych sami borykaja sie z jakims problemami i staraja sie odwrocic uwage gnebiac inne osoby. Trzeba miec to na uwadze. Kazda osoba ktora spotykasz przezyla cos okropnego, stracila cos dlatego powinnysmy wszyscy byc wobec siebie zyczliwi.
I have met so many different forms of "hates" . Sometimes people wrote ugly things to me because of jealousy , they needed to put somebody down to feel better. Once I had a stage in my life when on every single hate comment I wrote some very bad things about them as well . When I think about it now, I know , that I did it in a wrong way . In such a situation I should either not answer it at all and throw it away from my mind or respond but with affection and culture . Many people do not even notice that when someone writes hates to you the only thing he is waiting for is a bad reaction from your side . Then he will have even more reasons to judge you for . If however you just answer with serenity and culture , this person will come out as an ordinary fool, and that will show that he doesn't know how to behave . I know that no one has nerves made of steel and sometimes you just have to answer so that person will feel as but as you felt when you read a hate from him, but sometimes is not worth to answer to hates when you are very angry . Just calm down , and then answer but remember to always be kind . When I reached kind of popularity on the Internet , I reached a point in my life where I have people who always will support me , but there are also those who are waiting for me to fall.We must also remember that the people who brings others down, has some problems and he tries to divert attention with oppressing others. You must have this in your mind.Every person you ever met survived something horrible, lost something or someone, that is why we all should taka care for each other instead of bringing each other down.

Kochaj mnie lub mnie nienawidz, obydwie te rzeczy sa moimi ulubionymi. Jesli mnie kochasz, zawsze bede w twoim sercu. Jesli mnie nienawidzisz, zawsze bede w twoich myslach.
Nie obchodzi mnie co o mnie myslisz, ja nie mysle o tobie wcale.
Trzeba sie skupic na sobie, i co z tego ze ktos cie nazwie samolubnym? przeciez jesli ty sama w siebie nie uwierzysz to kto zrobi to za ciebie? Nikt. Aby kogos pokochac, najpierw musisz pokochac sama siebie.
Love me or hate me, both of these things are my favorite. If you love me, I will always be in your heart. If you hate me, I will be always in your mind.
I don't care what you think of me, I don't think about you at all.
You must to focus on yourself, somebody may be call you selfish, so what ? surely if you don't believe in yourself then who will do it for you? No one. You can't love other people until you love yourself.